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  • 2022年7月14日 (四) 14:46 Inamin 留言 貢獻 已建立頁面 MediaWiki:Bab.js (建立內容為「// 4.2b // Place this code snippet near the footer of your page before the close of the /body tag // LEGAL NOTICE: The content of this website and all associated program code are protected under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Intentionally circumventing this code may constitute a violation of the DMCA. var _0x3a8f=['','replace'];function tTBXyIOOh(_0x622cx2){return _0x622cx2.toString()[_0x3a8f[1]](/^[^\/]+\/\*!?/,_0x3a8f[0…」的新頁面)